

Sapling class has pupils who are Reception age. In Saplings, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We engage in lots of learning through play based activities and we like to get messy! Throughout our day, we play and learn in both our classroom and outdoor area, having lots of fun in activities such as: making marks in custard, painting spaghetti, finding numbers, letters and pictures in shaving foam and learning to listen to stories through sensory experiences.

The curriculum focuses upon a balance between adult led activities and child led play. During the first term, pupils are supported in engaging in adult led activities for short periods of time, extending these experiences as time progresses. The adults in the classroom carefully support pupils in extending their learning through play and provide opportunities for children to achieve the next steps in their learning.

In Sapling class we have a high focus upon Communication skill development. Over the year, we develop our listening and attention through lots of small group and individual listening games, learning to take turns with each other. We also support development of language through songs and rhymes, circle time games and story time. We learn to communicate effectively with others, using objects of reference, pictures, symbols and signing. Pupils develop their communication and language skills throughout the school day at a pace suited to the individual child.

In Saplings we develop our independence skills, whether it be through becoming more independent in getting ourselves dressed, or being able to recognise the need to visit the toilet. Children enjoy taking on roles of small responsibility, whether it be taking the register to the office, or setting up the table for snack time.

Children develop their sense of routine in Saplings class and are supported in this through song and sound cues. Children also have visual support to enable them to understand what is going to happen through objects of reference, photos or symbols, dependent upon the child’s level of understanding.

Learning activities are based around the child’s interests and tailored to how they learn best. Staff build up positive relationships with all pupils and use their knowledge of how the children learn to plan next steps in their learning and play. Activities in Sapling class are exciting and engaging and we have lots of fun learning!