
Computing and Information Communication Technology is integral to the daily curriculum teaching and learning at Rigby Hall.  All pupils have access to an interactive whiteboard screen, class Ipads and laptops, as well as resources to support communication and engagement in learning, such as sound buttons and touch sensitive software.  Pupils are also able to explore links between cause and effect and being aware of their actions through our dedicated sensory room.  

Online safety is integral to Computing learning, ensuring pupils are both aware of potential risks with technology use, as well as having the understanding of what to do if they come across inappropriate content.

Pupils learn about Computing skills with support of the Purple Mash Computing scheme of work.

In KS4 pupils follow releavant accredited courses in order to gain qualifications at the end of this key stage and prepare for life beyond school.  We aim to ensure our pupils become digital citizens so they are able to use the internet regularly, safely and effectively.