

Accessibility Plan - June 2021

Addendum to Safeguarding Policy due to COVID-19

Admissions Policy - November 2022

Behaviour Policy - March 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy - February 2024

Child on Child Abuse - April 2024

Complaints Policy - March 2023

COVID-19 school lockdown arrangements for Safeguarding and Child Protection at Rigby Hall School - January 2021

Data Protection Policy - July 2023

Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children Policy - November 2022

Early Career Teachers Policy - November 2022

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy - November 2022

Equality information and Objectives Policy - November 2022

Equality Policy - February 2024

Exclusions Policy - March 2024

Governor Allowances Policy - September 2023

Governor visits policy - February 2024

First Aid in School Policy - February 2024

Health & Safety Policy - November 2023

Privacy Notice - Applicants

Privacy Notice - Pupils/Parents/Carers - July 2023

Privacy Notice - School Workforce

Privacy Notice - Visitors 

Relationships and Sex Education Policy - March 2024

Safeguarding Policy 2024

Special Educational Needs Policy - February 2024

Supporting Children With Medical Needs Policy - March 2024

Teacher Appraisal and Capability Policy - June 2021 

Teaching and Learning Policy - February 2022

Uniform Policy - July 2022



Non Statutory

Acceptable Use Agreement 

Alcohol, Drugs and Substance

Anti-bullying policy leaflet

Attendance Policy - April 2024

CCTV Policy - July 2022

Catch-up funding Strategy post pandemic - December 2020

Eating and Drinking Policy - June 2024

Educational Visits Policy - April 2024

Equality Act Advice

Exams policy February 2024

Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children April 2024

Freedom of Information Policy 2019

Home School Agreement

Information Security Policy - March 2024

Lone Working Policy 2019

Maths policy January 2023

Mobile Phone Policy

Online Safety Policy - September 2022

Prevent Policy 2019

Previous Looked After and Looked After Children Policy

Private fostering policy

Provider Access Policy March 2024

School Ethos

SEND Information Report - October 2021 


Whistleblowing Policy

Working in Worcestershire Schools - Code of Conduct