Design & Technology

Pupils are taught a range of skills through Design & Technology, including designing and making, and cooking and nutrition.  

In Design Technology, pupils are given the opportunity to create their own masterpieces from their own thought processes.  Pupils have the chance to work with traditional materials, such as wood, metal and plastic, as well as using construction toys and textile materials. They also have the opportunity to study at electrical control systems, mechanics and structures.

Pupils begin projects by designing, following this by making their product, and then evaluating their work and that of their peers.  Through evaluation pupils can reflect upon how to make any improvements in their/other's designs.  

Pupils use both traditional hand tools and computer based equipment, and they build their skills, confidence and independence through successful completion of a range of increasingly complex projects, as they progress through Key Stages.

The emphasis is on a hands-on approach, encouraging children to seek creative solutions, whilst developing practical and problem-solving skills.

At all ages, pupils learn to analyse existing products, to understand consumers’ needs and to study contemporary designs. This all helps to develop an understanding of the constructed world and possible future employment opportunities. 

Cooking and Nutrition

Cooking and Nutrition is taught from Early Years through to KS3.  These sessions allow pupils the opportunity to explore a range of different foods, using their senses to explore and experience them, as well as learning about where different foods come from. 

Through cookery sessions, pupils learn about food hygiene and healthy eating.  Many of our pupils may have anxieties around food, and cookery sessions are a brilliant way at supporting pupils in desensitising these.

Pupils also have ample opportunities to explore food and texture through messy play sessions throughout the curriculum which further promotes their access and openness to a healthy and varied diet. 

Cooking sessions provide opportunities for choices, developing skills in preparing food and healthy eating which are all valuable skills in life.  

Vocational Units

In KS4 pupils have the opportunity to choose DT linked vocational units. These include making a product and cooking. This is covered through the Life Skills Challenge units.

In Post 16 pupils have had opportunities to run a community café, that included preparing food, serving customers and cleaning up at the end. 




Design and Technology Pathway Progression Map