
At Rigby Hall School, we believe it is paramount for our young scientists to develop their sparkling imaginations, fertile minds and curiosity through investigative first-hand practical experience as much as possible. This enables them to discover the magic behind the scientific processes for themselves.

Science at Rigby is kept as practical as possible, with students learning through doing and having the opportunity to explore and develop their own ideas through asking questions and making discoveries. Pupils in KS3 upwards have access to a dedicated Science lab with all the appropriate equipment and apparatus.

Science is a subject that lends itself well to a multisensory approach and experiments are a key part of Science, allowing pupils of all ages and abilities to engage in fun and exciting hands-on learning experiences. Pupils are encouraged to understand how Science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, analyse causes, ask questions, plan investigations and discuss their results.

Science is an important core subject which touches the daily lives of our pupils. As such, the subject is taught so that pupils can appreciate the link between the teaching and learning in the classroom and their own individual life experiences.

Throughout school, pupils study Science through a topic based approach to develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to be effective scientists.

Our Science lessons develop the use and understanding of key scientific vocabulary. Word banks are provided as prompts to aid word recall and spelling, and worksheets are structured to aid sequencing and analysis of investigations and experiments.

Overall we aim to give our pupils an understanding of the world around us so they can make responsible decisions about our planet as they become the citizens of the future. We do this in an inspiring way through quality learnign experiences.

Our children and young people of all ages experience educational visits and in school workshops to enhance their learning. This includes visits to farms & zoos, the Big Bang Science Fair, Snow Dome, Black Country Museum and the Birmingham ThinkTank.

Pupils in KS4 will have the opportunity to work towards relevant accreditation in Science.




Biology Pathway Progression Map

Chemistry Pathway Progression Map

Physics Pathway Progression Map

Scientific Enquiry Pathway Progression Map