The governing body consists of:
- One Governor appointed by the Local Authority
- Three Parent Governors
- One staff Governor
- One Headteacher Governor
- Five Co-Opted Governors.
Governors Register of Interests
Governing Body constitution and terms of office
Governor attendance at meetings 2023/2024
Governor Allowance Policy September 2024
Governor visits policy February 2024
A Chair and a Vice Chair are elected annually. Governors are responsible for:
- Ensure the school fulfils its statutory duties for example, Safeguarding.
- Ensure the school has clear vision and strategy.
- Ensure resources are managed well.
- Ensuring good quality education.
The Governing Body meets six times a year, once each half term.
All Governors are appointed by the Governing body of Rigby Hall School unless otherwise stated.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted via email -
The Clerk to Governors can be contacted via email -
List of Governors
- Yvette Bennett - Co-opted Governor
- Mark Tabbernor - Chair of GovernorsCo-opted Governor
- Iona Walton - Co-opted Governor
- James Bull - Co-opted Governor
- Maggie Gower - Co-opted Governor
- Carys Thurlby - Vice Chair / Safeguarding GovernorParent Governor
- Beckie Watson - Parent Governor
- Cheryl Hobbis - Parent Governor
- Tracey Smith - Headteacher
- Claire Amos - Staff Governor