At Rigby Hall we follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.  Religious Education lessons support all of our pupils in developing a deeper understanding of a range of religious beliefs and traditions. 

Religious Education is intrinsically linked to other areas of the curriculum and enhances learning, by deepening thought and engagement.

For instance, links may be made with:

PSHE/RSE - citizenship, democracy and human rights 

SMSC - spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

British values - mutual respect and tolerance 

Our curriculum teaching of Religious Education enables pupils to make sense of beliefs through making meaningful connections and understanding the similarities and differences between these beliefs. 

Pupils in Early Years to KS3 engage in multi-sensory sessions to enhance their understanding of religions.  These sessions include sensory stories, music, handling of religious artefacts/ symbols and exploring photos, videos and drama.  

Pupils in KS4 follow an accreditted Humanities course where they study Christianity, and another religion in depth.

RE lessons focus on the ideas of ‘discovering, exploring, connecting and responding’ from this agreed syllabus.

Pupils explore authentic and central concepts from religions, on the basis of what will connect with pupils’ experiences and enable them to respond.

RE teaching is enhanced by educational visits to local places of worship including a Synagogue, a Hindu Mandir, a Mosque, and a Sikh temple (and Gurdwara Langar).

Pupils link with the local church for special services throughout the year, including Nativity, Harvest festival and Easter. Visitors are also invited to the school to share their faith and answer pupils’ questions.

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child/children from all or part of RE lessons.  Please contact the Schol Office for further information.



RE Pathway Progression Map