Chestnut Centre

Reminders for 2021:

PE is on Tuesday morning - Please send you child to school in their PE kits. 

Forest school is on a Wednesday morning - Please send your child in weather appropriate clothing and footwear. 

Chestnut Centre

The Chestnut Centre currently has pupils from Year One to Year 11, split across 2 classes, Chestnut 1 & Chestnut 2.

The children accessing the centre are given support from staff who manage additional complex needs; such as communication or social and emotional needs.

In the Chestnut Centre, we follow most themes and topics as Primary phase and these are then adapted for our children’s abilities.  We love to learn exploring and play based activities. We are very lucky to learn in a newly purpose built centre and are having lots of fun personalising areas to suit all our different needs (movement room, sensory room etc.!). 

Our big focus is developing communication skills through lots of small group and individual sessions plus focusing on listening and attention skills. We learn to communicate effectively with others, signing, using objects of reference and symbols as well as ‘intensive interaction’ for our pupils who are working at a pre-verbal stage.

We aim to also develop our independence skills through becoming more independent getting ourselves dressed and toileting.

Useful Downloads