Post 16
Pupils who choose to stay on in Post 16 at Rigby Hall are encouraged to further develop their strengths, skills and independence with a view to their life beyond school. The Key Stage 5 curriculum is focused upon:
- Employment
- Independent Living
- Participation in Society
- Being as Healthy as Possible in Adult Life.
Pupil learning is based both in school and in the local community, ensuring their learning is meaningful to their future lives.
Pupils on the green and purple pathway in KS5 at Rigby Hall School follow nationally accredited courses from the suite of modules in both AIM Functional Skills and ASDAN. Modules are selected to create a programme suitable to the pupils learning requirements and areas of interest. These can be joined together to form an Award, a Certificate or even a Diploma if pupils began their studies in Key Stage 4.
Our Orange Pathway pupils follow the ASDAN Transforming Aspirations course, developing skills linked to the Preparing for Adulthood pathways (friends, relationships and community; employment; good health; and independent living).
In Post 16 we also offer the Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Bronze and Silver. As part of our Careers curriculum all pupils will take part in a variety of work related learning opportunities, these include both practical, hands-on experiences and work on employability skills. Pupils are encouraged to take part in work experience either on or off site with a range of employers.
We make full use of our incredible Life Skills Village by giving the pupils a feel of what different work environments are like to work in. It is fantastic to see our pupils develop their confidence and a sense of self as they experience what life is like beyond school.